Saturday, September 7, 2013

I'm aliiiiive

I survived my first earthquake! There's been a few since I've been here, but I haven't felt them para nada. I'm from the Midwest. We have tornadoes and snowstorms, not earthquakes. 

Thank goodness I was hanging out with Maria when the house started to shake. Shaaaaake! Like literally, shake! I started freaking out because people DIE in earthquakes, ya know? 

So me being the Midwesterner and Maria being from Sacramento, I cowered on the patio and she made for the open air. She had to pull me outside where apparently it's safer, but the earth is shaking beneath your feet so nowhere is really "safe" in my opinion. I'm half bent over in the fetal position and Maria's busting a lung laughing at me. I look up and of course the rest of her host family is laughing at the scared gringa too. 

But I did it! I survived! It really wasn't so bad after all. Still, I don't need the earth to be quaking again anytime soon! 

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