Thursday, September 19, 2013

Arts and crafts

Wednesday September 18, 4pm

I've never been very crafty. I lack the spacial reasoning necessary for scrapbooking, dexterity for crocheting, and patience for everything else. I started a magazine mosaic of a sunset once. I think it's still half finished in my bedroom at home. I also did time in a creative art class in grade school, but that's about the extent of my artsy ways. 

This week was craft week. It's like shark week, except it's a lot less exciting and you can't make a drinking game out of it (Peace Corps' rules, not mine). 

I think I've done more crafts here than I ever did in the US. It was fun! 

Rachel teaching me how to make friendship bracelets. I've never made one in my life! With all the new friends I'm making I figured nows a good time to learn. 

Anil workshop. Anil (not sure I'm spelling that right) is natural indigo. They used in the Mayans times. 

Kai's host mom (left blue shirt) is a pro and she sells tshirts, jewelry, skirts and dress of tie dye in the town. 

Kai, Mario and Angelica squishing the dye. 

Me and Maria, squishing away. And I shall call him squishy! 

Angelica's awesome shirt 

I call it "When the planets align..."

We're so darn unique.

We also had a candle making workshop, but I decided not to go last minute for multiple reasons. Mainly because my stomach was recovering from being so explosive, and I didn't want to take the bus alone in the dark. The candles were beautiful though, I really regret not going! 

Instead I bought a bunch of candles from the local artisan group, NuCu. I'm going to write something cheesy about bringing light to the world and give them to my future community guides. 

Flowers IN the candles! I bet Pier 1 is hawking the same thing for $15 a pop. 


Unknown said...

Love your tie-dye shirt! You ARE crafty!

Unknown said...

Love your tie-dye shirt! You ARE crafty!