Thursday, November 21, 2013

Graduation 2013

I've spent the past two weeks attending graduation ceremonies for kindergartners and 9th grade. I'll let the pictures tell the story:

My host nephew, Wilfredo, graduated last Thursday from the school in the canton over. We started the day with a photo shoot.

Me and Cori, my host sister who goes to the university in San Miguel during the week

Edwin, looking like a macho Salvadoran man

From left: Kenny, Cori, Edwin, Ale

Wilfredo and me. I was surprised by his hand placement... 

Here I'm thinking "I hope this isn't the Rico Suave I was meant to meet in ES"

Cori, Wil, Yo

Edwin and Aysel. I'm glad she's too young to pick up on the no-smile Salvadoran smile. 

The ceremony was in the casa comunal de San Lucas

Every graduate has an escort, and they're the only ones who get to sit :( Usually it's a family member around the same age or a parent. Cori was Wil's escort. 

Why wouldn't there be a Catholic mass at the public school's graduation ceremony?

From left: Lili and Marili, my community guide's daughter and granddaughter 

Karime, my community guide's other granddaughter. This is what all the female kindergartners wore for graduation. No caps and gowns here, but lots of rhinestones.  

The 9th grade graduates

Me and Glenda. I went to her quince on my first day here

Wil, Edwin, Ivenia

Cori, Wil, Edwin, Ivenia

Woo! More pics!
 Yesterday was the kindergarten graduation for La MontaƱita. It was super cute!

Everyone walking back from the Evangelical mass part of the graduation ceremony. Why wouldn't there be an Evangelical mass at the public school's graduation ceremony? Vaquito makes his presence known. 

Sergio, my new friend, escorts his graduate friend

The kiddies

Mesa de honor

The kids sang a song at the end. My battery died right in the middle of the song!
 Today I went to the 9th grade graduation for La MontaƱita. I only took one picture because honestly I'm all graduated out. Where's the cake?

Color change at the mesa de honor, everyone taking pictures
Of course we've had family graduate at every ceremony, so I've been going to a lot of parties. Typical food here is fried chicken, rice, coleslaw and tortillas with a coke on the side. I've eaten more the past week than I have the past month. It's been fun, but exhausting! I'm glad I went to everyone's ceremony though. It's important to support the youth in the community. I even got a few shout outs from the mesa de honor!

And hey, I got some sweet pics with my wanna-be GQ model host nephew. Right!?

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