Monday, November 11, 2013

Nothing to do

I'm so relieved that my general assembly is over with. It really hung over my head the past month. Will I get my census done? Will anyone come? Do people even care?

But now it's all over and I have zero plans until I go back for Pre-Service Training 2. (El Salvador does a split training where you spend the first 10 weeks learning the basics, go to your site and learn what they want/need, then come back for technical training on how to get it done. I like it, I feel like I have a lot of questions I can ask now that I've lived in my site.) Now I can focus on what really matters. Like...

Cleaning up the wax that spilled all over my new dresser. Oops. 

And figuring out what this half-scorpion/half-spider creature is called and starting a campaign to wipe them out. 

Ya know. The important stuff. (It's gonna be a long two weeks.)

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