Monday, November 11, 2013

Hot dog!

*Note: I thought everyone was saying "chale" but the word is actually chalet. They sometimes drop the T when speaking.

I spent all day Saturday learning about Otinia's chale. A chale is a little metal hut, usually on the side of the road, that sells stuff. Also see: hot dog stand, banana stand... really any kind of stand. Here's what I learned:

She's got a prime location in the desvio of Hoja de Sal.

The chale actually belongs to her daughter, but Otinia usually works it. They paid a carpenter a few years back to build the shade. It's perfect because when it's not raining the sun is burning a hole through your t-shirt. Shade is key. She's also across the street from the bus stop. 

She sells hot dogs, but also has chips, soda, juice, coffee, pan dulce, and beer. Always beer. 

She borrows clean water from the molino across the street. She carries it on her head, of course. 

I wanted to see how the stove works inside, so she showed me the hot dog making process. Then she gave me the hot dog! 

Which I ate so as not to be rude. They cut the bun on the top here. Weird, right?!

She'd like to make enough money to fix up the place, get new lamina for the sides and add on to the shade. Isn't she cute?

I asked Otinia if she'll stop selling beer out of her house if the chale makes enough money. She said probably not. She always needs more money. She worked on Friday from 8am-5pm and made $15, so I guess I can see how the extra beer income is necessary. Still, I hope that in 2 years she'll consider closing up shop in her house so the bolos don't bother her or her family any more. 

1 comment:

Akmos17 said...

I spent all day Saturday learning about Otinia's chale. A chale is a little metal hut, usually on the side of the road, that sells stuff. Also see: hot dog stand, banana stand... really any kind of stand. Here's what I learned:Lej en pølsevogn