Thursday, October 17, 2013


I learned how to make tamales today! You know how the saying goes- if you can cook you can get married. I had 3 separate people tell me that today when my host mom told them about the gringa making tamales. I think I'll go back to eating crackers then... 

Tamales basically consist of mushy corn mash, tomato sauce, and chicken bits.

You wrap it all up in a palm frond. 

Gotta be careful not to let the mush seep out.

And it should look something like this!

Oh yaaaah fellas, this shexy gringa is ready to marry. 

You line the big pot with more palm tree parts then fill it with water.

Add more palm parts to lock in the moisture. Let cook for 1-2 hours. 

Open em up...

...and enjoy!

Kids love tamales! Here's my host niece after chowing down.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG that munchkin is so cute! I need her!