Saturday, August 2, 2014

Shout out!

I've talked about the Peace Corps organization and the new application process quite often on my blog. I typically view my employer favorably, I just like to think aloud in my posts! I always thought maybe someone would come across my blog and think it was kinda interesting too.

Well, I was right about one thing- giving applicants a choice in where they serve is leading to some very crafty blog searching. Just last week a potential PCV reached out to me asking about the program in El Salvador. It's one of her options and she wanted to hear more about PCV life in this country.

Oh, how the power went to my head! I could tell her anything, completely uncensored! Who was going to know that it was ME who dashed her hopes and dreams of an ideal PC El Salvador! Mwahaha!

Just kidding. I made a pro/con list, like always. I was fair and balanced, and provided my personal experience and referenced other PCV blogs that demonstrate additional experiences. I also plugged our official Peace Corps El Salvador website, because I wouldn't be a good PR person if I didn't.

How interesting though! This is exactly what I did way back when, and it seems like I've finally come full circle. The great thing is that now I can give advice and suggestions that have some weight with the applicant's decisions.

Maybe you think this blog post is boring, but you're wrong. It's fascinating. It's a whole new world out there! I'm so excited to see what happens with Peace Corps as all these changes roll out.

And I know Angelica is going to be an amazing PCV, where ever she chooses to serve :)


Unknown said...

Hello Alex,

Thank you for doing such a diligent job in providing information! As a future PCV in El Sal, coming March 18, I would LOVE to see your pros/cons list!

Thanks, and keep up the positivity!


Alexandria Joy said...

Hey! Thanks for reading! We're all very excited to meet the new group in March. Enjoy these last few weeks and I'll see you soon!