Thursday, August 21, 2014

PC "touches"

My internet addiction is back in full swing. Last night I tried going to sleep but I had haunting visions of the NPR producer canceling our interview or someone posting an unflattering picture of me on Facebook without my knowledge. These are just the kind of things that are insignificant but run through my mind when I'm bored and/or on spazz mode.

It's been a week of spazz mode for me. I've found myself staying up late (like, 10pm) on the internet putting together my next 5-year plan. I've been following the unfolding events in Furguson. I've revised my IRB protocol (6 months running). Obviously, I've also hounded Pinterest for ab workouts and campo proof recipes.

It was such a relief when my project manager made the drive from SanSal out to my site for our mid-service check-in. Peace Corps El Salvador is great in that we get so many "touches" from staff throughout our service. I think the goal is somewhere around six. Normally, you'd be lucky if your PM visits you once.

We ended up talking for about 5 hours and covered a range of topics. Yes, I cried tears of frustration at one point. Silvia, my PM, shared some candy with me and it helped. Overall I came away with a sense of resolve and greater motivation for my next big project: building houses and starting a homeowners association. Just cross your fingers with me on that one.

I'm just so grateful to serve in a PC country that has such an attentive staff.

....Also grateful that El Salvador has beautiful beaches that I get to escape to 3 days a month. Tomorrow I celebrate my birthday weekend with my dear friend Marcia, another August birthday. Later days!

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