Saturday, April 5, 2014

The easy life

Don't be fooled by my title- life in the campo is NOT easy. But it can be easy-going. I took this week to recuperate from a virus and my visit to the US. I also spent a record breaing 3 hours and 12 minutes washing my clothes on Sunday. Here's some pics I snapped during the downtime. 

I bought a shelf for my new pots and pans. This is a SERIOUS win for me. Woo, clean dishes! 

I visited Nina Otina and she gave me this plant/fruit to eat. 

You feel the white fuzz off and eat it. It's sweet, but fuzzy. 

Otinia enjoys the plant/fruit. I forgot what it's called, but it starts with an E. 

Aysel was beating the heat by taking a bath in a teeny tiny guacal. 

Upgrade! Cribs: El Salvador.

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