Saturday, April 19, 2014


On Thursday I experienced my first Passover with my fellow PCVs. I loved it! What's better than spending an afternoon drinking wine, eating great matza ball soup, and singing "Let my people go!"

I want to congratulate Hilary and Noah for pulling off the most legit Passover the likes of rural El Salvador has ever seen. Hilary was sick too, but lead the seder like a champ. They also get bonus points for including their host family and a JICA volunteer who lives in the area. The seder was in Spanish, English and Hebrew. I thoroughly enjoyed everything from Kadesh to Nirtza. Thank you!

Has campo life turned me into a lightweight, or is Manischewitz really strong wine?
They had to get all the matza sent from the USA. That's dedication!

Maror, zroa, karpaz, beitza, jaroset

Urjatz! Mario washing his hands at the pila. 

Karpas. I'm really feeling the wine at this point. 

Hilary hiding the matza. Mario and Noah looking like statues. 

It wouldn't be a N&H production if it wasn't absolutely perfect! Hebrew and Spanish booklet so we can follow along. The book has all the seder steps with the prayers, when to drink, and what it all means. 

Before we started singing, Hilary referenced this part in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I quickly realized that I knew how to sing "Let my people go!" but I had nooo idea how the rest of the song goes. We tried our best.
The JICA volunteer and their host mom. She LOVES Manischewitz!

The traditional food. 

Delicious matza ball soup!

Everything else I ate. Amazing. 

I didn't have time to toast the cocos for organic macaroons, so I made "local" kosher for Passover meringues. Have you ever tried to whip egg whites with a fork? Lemme tell ya, it takes about an hour.  And when I was baking them the gas went out. Oi ve!

I found the matza! I win! I'm so happy we did this!


Anonymous said...

check out the FB group called Shalom Corps!:)

Alexandria Joy said...

Just joined! Thank you!