Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Rereading things

I've been feeling a little guilty about writing the last angry blog post. I honestly set out to write an "update" post just so people would stop asking if I dropped dead, but then when I got on a roll I couldn't stop.

Obviously, I'm over it. Just another ~experience~ brought to you by Peace Corps.

An update on Touristgate: there's really nothing my PM could do. The mayor doesn't identify us as PCVs, nor PC, nor is it an advertisement for prostitutes or drugs. She did try seeing what could be done, but alas, there is nothing to do.

I love that this is just a typical PCV thing, though.

Most of my frustrations with PC rules and policies can usually be cheered up by endless clicking through How a PCV puts it gently. We all gotta deal with some annoying crap, but at least we do it together!

I'm also going to the beach this weekend COME HELL OR HIGH WATER, so that's got me looking up. I still really need this break. It's been over 3 months since I left my site, and the pain is real. I'm honestly just looking forward to getting a decent night of sleep.

My host dad, being the caring and thoughtful person he is, allowed the 7th Day Adventists to host teen culto at our house every night this week. They have a speaker system, keyboard, and Spanish language bible enactment movies. And they really love to sing.

It hasn't been too bad though. Last night me and seven members of my host family crowded within 3 feet of the television so we could watch our novela. We'd try to turn the volume off when there was a break in the preaching, but it just got too ridiculous. What was more ridiculous was when a big norte blew the door open and about 50 community members saw us pagans watching tv! I knew I was finally with the right host family when we just giggled and closed the door again.

Haters gonna hate!

I also found this article on another PCV's blog and it is the best advice article I've ever read for future PCVs. It's just... perfectly summed up. And it even made me think about some things regarding my service and how I sometimes feel so useless, or angry, or like I want to throw my hands up and walk away. It's a must-read for all PCVs no matter how many months in you are. Read it here.

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