Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"Part of my debt repaid"

I want to give a shout out to my PCV friend Rachel who recently published a wonderful blog post. Rachel just participated in the GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) camp that I'm supremely jealous of. As PCVs do, Rachel had some post-camp reflections about the state of El Salvador, women, and the purpose of Peace Corps.

There's a part in Rachel's post where she talks about why she chose to serve in the Peace Corps. She mentions her childhood and the boundless activities, sports, and educational opportunities she had. Our childhoods are remarkably similar, even down to the saxophone lessons and swim practice. (Though, I must admit, Rachel is much smarter and challenged herself academically way more!)

Rachel captures a true and beautiful reason for coming to a country like El Salvador where these opportunities for children are virtually nonexistent:
Peace Corps is, in some small way, part of my debt repaid. I want to be that camp counselor, that sports coach, that arts and crafts guru, and that teacher for the kids in my community that opened my mind, taught me about myself and about the world, and motivated me to make something of myself when I was a kid.
This message resonates so greatly with me. Throughout my service I've been trying to explain exactly why it was that I wanted to do this. I've given pathetically vague answers like, "I just wanted to have the experience" or "I wanted to give back." But now that I've been in it for what feels like a very long time, I'm starting to realize that what I thought of PC before applying and what I think now are completely different. I can't even recognize the person who wrote my letter of intent to serve. She seems so wildly hopeful to the point of being downright naive. She sounds impractical, a little calculated, and self-serving in such a condescending way. And yes, we're talking about someone who wants to serve in the Peace Corps.

I realize now that the indicators and objectives just aren't my thing. Especially not in a place that needs hope more than anything else. That's where I believe our place is as Peace Corps Volunteers- sharing joy and spreading some hope. I never thought I would be teaching an art class before I came to ES, but it's turned out to be the best part of my service. I'm so proud and genuinely impressed by my kids, and Leo has become a great working partner.

It's not what I expected when I applied 3 years ago, but deep down it's what I wanted to do. Like Rachel, I feel like in some small way I'm paying back, or dare I say, paying forward the love and generosity I was given as a child.

So thanks everyone. You've done more good than you'll ever know.

Please read Rachel's amazing blog post here.

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