Monday, February 3, 2014


What is standfast? It's when something is happening somewhere in the country and we can't leave our sites. Think volcanic eruption or.... presidential election day. We've been on standfast here for 3 days, 1 day before, the day of, and 1 day after, all because of the peaceful elections here in El Salvador. I know I can't blame PC for being cautious, but common! For some reason knowing that I couldn't leave my site made me feel trapped, even though it was honestly like any other day.

I think other PCVs can agree that we took the opportunity to be lazy. Verrrrrry lazy. I tried to make the time pass by hanging out with the kids. It worked until my stomach problems picked up and I didn't want to be around humans any more. Then out of boredom and addiction I bought more internet so I could see everyone's Super Bowl party food.

Chips and dip.
Cheese sticks.

It was almost too much. I made some mashed potatoes and watched Sleepless in Seattle. All in all a decent day.

Aysel doesn't like wearing shirts. Also, this is what her hair looks like when you take the braids out. 

Ive has a mane too!!
The mangos are coming in so I asked David and Kenny to climb up and get me some. 

Kenny wouldn't let me take the knife away. I was certain he'd cut a finger off. 

Green mango. Served with chili, lime and salt. 

It's very acidic, but I like it. 

My munchkin and her green mango. 

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