Thursday, January 9, 2014

What's cookin' good lookin'

Last Saturday I cooked chilate and nuegalos with the woman's group in my site. Chilate is a corn based drink and nuegalos are like deep fried yucca puffs with honey. Everything turned out delicious and now I know how to make something new for you all when I get back to Chicago!

Prep work: cutting up yucca so we can mix it with fresh corn kernels to make the 'mash." 

So much yucca!

Mixin' the yucca shavings with the corn. 

Adding fresh cheese into the mix. 

Squishing it all together. 

Carrying the yucca/corn/cheese mix on my head in the salvadorena way. On to the molino!

Pouring in the mix to make mash. 

Everyone in town pays a couple bucks to use this molino. It's the cleanest one I've seen here!

We made a ton of mash!

Deep fry that mash!

just to give you an idea of how much smoke there was in the kitchen. Respiratory infections are common among women here. 

Stirring the chilate.

Raw and fried nuegalos. 

Pour in some honey, and presto! 
I forgot to take a picture of the chilate, and I also forgot to taste it. My host mom was so excited I brought home chilate that I gave her the bag!

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