Friday, January 17, 2014

El Camino

Some of you may know that I took on the role of Co-Editor of the PCES publication El Camino. I love the magazine, and I'm so thankful my fellow COEDs are entrusting this responsibility to me. Honestly, editing this magazine is peaceful for me. It's one thing I know I can do well!

Past 2 covers of El Camino

Can you believe that you can't rotate images in Blogger? It's like the dark ages.
Not every PC country has a PCV publication. In fact, most don't. It's a very special opportunity we have in El Salvador and a great souvenir from PCES. 

Here's a special treat- my first Letter from the Editor. I won't share all my Camino edits here, but I'm especially proud of this letter. Hopefully it'll give you an idea of how much I love El Camino! 

Hello Peace Corps El Salvador! 

I'm so grateful to take on the role of Co-Editor alongside Jade. Trust me, our beloved Volunteer publication is in good hands! Jade has done an amazing job compiling articles and heckling you all for submissions, and I'm here to join in the fun.

I love El Camino and everything it represents for Peace Corps Volunteers. I remember reading the July/August 2013 issue during the first weeks of PST thinking "Wow, what a cool Peace Corps time capsule!" El Camino is what we're thinking, feeling, doing and eating right now. Someday when we're old and wrinkly (and thanks to the Central American sun, we might be wrinklier than we wish), we can pull out El Caminos and reminisce about swearing-in, community projects, and so much more.

Throughout my career as a PR yuppie turned Peace Corps Volunteer I've been responsible for seven organization's press releases and editor of four publications. Although I enjoyed writing for each of them, I've never felt as deeply invested as I am with El Camino. My goals as Co-Editor are to gather up our memories and freeze 'em like Han Solo in carbonite. I honestly couldn't think of a less-nerdy way of saying that. 

Here is a special place where we can connect, share our pride, and laugh at our mistakes. El Camino belongs to us. It is our responsibility as much as our opportunity to uphold this Volunteer tradition. I mean, how else will incoming PCVs know about the perils of leaving home without a stash of tp!?

Pep talk aside, I want to congratulate everyone on the small victories, big projects, and overall successes of integrating. COEDs will celebrate their 6 month mark in country in January, and Youthies are planning a swearing-in party for February I know we’re all excited for. I also want to welcome the 2014 Youth Development Trainees! Take a deep breath, you’re one step closer to becoming PCVs. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and take every opportunity that’s offered to you. We’re so happy to have more members of the PCES family!

I hope you enjoy this issue of El Camino. As always, we welcome your comments, questions, suggestions, and personal anecdotes. And remember, it’s never too early to start writing for the next issue of El Camino. Submit those memories! I’ll keep the carbonite ready.

Alex Trimble

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