Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pizza time

Whenever people in my community ask me about about what I miss from home, I always make sure to include my dad's superb pizza from his wood-fired oven. I crave it alllllll the time. I was so excited when I got to my site and saw all these dome ovens scattered on people's property. Perfect for pizza!

NiƱa Orbelina, the woman who sells bread and pupusas in my community, has been hounding me for MONTHS trying to get my dad's recipe. She wants to sell real American style pizza, and who better to show her the ropes than the only American in town?! She's also seen a video of my dad's pizza oven and thinks pizza making runs in my genes.

Finally the day came when we bought all the ingredients, did a cost analysis, and made a huge batch of dough. It was a long day, but the pizza turned out great! We didn't have power all day so all hands were on deck to help cook. No power = no FIFA. We had a great pizza feast!

Working the dough.

Me and Lady, Orbelina's daughter. She has Down Syndrome and usually doesn't warm up to people, but she loves me. I submitted this photo to a PC contest because we're so cute.  

I'm trying to show Cati how to stretch the dough without making holes. 

Our ingredient boat. 


Some of the pizza making crew.

Before inferno.

After inferno!

So proud! 
I brought some home for Aysel. She loves "pee-sas"

1 comment:

Jodi Kearney said...

When does Trimble and Daughter Pizza open? I'll be your first customer! I just sent you a birthday envelope; hope you get it!