Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Prepare for take off

Well, I did it. Bags are packed. Boarding pass is printed. Tears are shed. The past few days have been a whirlwind of nerves, last goodbyes and overall excitement. I am absolutely exhausted, but the world deserves an update! 

If you're reading this and thinking, "Wow, Alex, way to NOT respond to my well thought out and incredibly touching text, email and/or Facebook message," please don't be mad. I loved it, and thank you. I've honestly just been going nonstop all week, and I'm sorry. You're awesome! 

On that note, I am truly amazed by the incredible amount of love and support I have from my friends and family. You bring me to tears (though at this point it really doesn't take much). I had an amazing send off party with lots of my dad's famous pizza, American beer, pictures, embarrassing stories, and love, love, love. I would never be able to do this without each and every one of you. Thank you. 

I've thought about my last night at home a lot over the past few months. Would I cry myself to sleep thinking about all the little things I'd miss? Would I have a gigantic meltdown and call it quits? The time's finally come, and to my relief, I'm doing just fine. For the most part. I'm doing as well as I possibly can knowing that tomorrow when I wake up I have to say goodbye to all my creature comforts, my big, comfy bed, and my family. I just gotta remind myself that everything's gonna stay right here for me. No one and nothing is going anywhere. That's the thought that's calming me down tonight. 

I can hear the rain patters outside my window, and I swear Mother Nature chose tonight at 1am to lull me into a deep, peaceful sleep. Goodnight, muchachos! Next time I write, I'll be an official Peace Corps Trainee! 

Me teaching my cousin how to play my favorite song, Sweet Home Chicago, at my send off party.

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