Friday, November 7, 2014

Children everywhere!

The theme of this week has been children! Children everywhere! Poking me and screaming my name! Ahh, the future.

On Wednesday we celebrated the end of the school year with my 9th graders. I am so proud of them! In March I had them draw the outline of their hand and answer five simple questions: What is your name, How old are you, Where do you live, What are three words to describe yourself, and What is your favorite food? I ask the question verbally and they write the response. It's incredibly difficult, but I'm not really an English teach and at the time it seemed like a good pre-test.

Everybody, every single student, improved. Even if it was just by adding a few words where there was nothing before. I'm especially proud of one student who earned a 100% and two full sized Snickers bars.

Woo! Guess this means I'm a good teacher, right? ;)
We also had cake and they took turns one-upping each other with thank you speeches. We've come a long way since my little outburst in March. I'm genuinely sad to see this group go. I know for certain one student is going with a coyote this month to the US. When I asked him how he felt about it he said he was sad, and kind of left it at that. I wonder if he's ready to leave his family, perhaps forever. I know that if he wants to go, he's going to go. I just wish him the safest future possible. The challenge for the kids who stay in El Salvador is to either pass high school or get a job, all while avoiding the gangs. I think it's a difficult time to be young in this country.

In a few weeks I'll have more photos from graduation. I'm a guest of honor because I'm giving them diplomas. This means I have to wear a dress and something other than Tevas, and maybe do something other than throw my hair in a scrunchie (I legitimately use scrunchies here). We'll see what I can put together.

Me and the class. Notice the map of America in the background? Thanks Jodi!

Felicidades clases...! Con amor, Ale...! (I have no idea why they did this ...!)

With the cake. I got the fancy kind with fruit in the middle. 
Wednesday was also the last day of school. In El Salvador, school goes from January to November. I took the last minute opportunity to donate five soccer balls to the school. I got the balls donated from One World Futbol Project, a great organization that donates indestructible soccer balls around the world. I agree with them that you can never underestimate the power of play. I really think the soccer balls will add some fun to las días en la cancha next year!

Some of the 9th graders helped me out with the donation. 

Immediate play! 

The 4th grade girls with a ball. We played hot potato for about 20 minutes with it!

1 comment:

Jodi Kearney said...

The map looks good, especially with your smiling face in front of it!!! Keep fighting the good fight!