Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Whatchu know 'bout campo life, fool?

"Campo life" has a whole new meaning for me after I visited my friend and fellow PCV's site. I went for a Friday to Monday stint and yeah, that was enough for me. I actually had a great time. It was like being a city girl going to summer camp for the first time! We played sports, did arts and crafts, baked, watched movies, jumped off cliffs, did an English class and a ton more.

I thought I was living campo life before visiting Rachel. I am, if you consider access to water, education levels, community resources, etc. But I don't have to forge a river as part of my daily commute. Needless to say my eyes are open and I have seen the light! I'll never take the nicer parts of my community for granted again. Thanks Rach for a great time! 

We are too cute. Now where's the nearest wifi?

Rio Torola. 

The other side is Honduras. 

Apparently, this is a cool place to jump off from. 

Jump off?! Are you kidding me?


I lived!!!! Can't wait to go back when the water isn't so dirty. Thanks a lot, Rachel. 

The pulley chair men use to get to work in Honduras every day. Talk about commuting! 

Rachel showed me how to make a self watering planter. Hopefully I'll have some basil in a few weeks!

Pasteles. The insides are stuffed with mashed potatoes. 

I brought some lemons from my tree and we made lemon bars. 

Actually, Rachel and her siblings made the lemon bars. I just ate them.  Great job!

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